Why Cats Blink Their Eyes at You
Ever wonder what your cat means when they blink at you? We break down what they're trying to say when they behave this way. ...
What Your Cat Is Saying With Its Eyes
Understand how cats communicate with their eyes, from arousal and trust to dominance and aggression. ...
What Is Classical Conditioning for Cats?
Understand the origins of classical conditioning, the ways in which it can influence feline behavior, and how it can be used to train cats. ...
Helping Cats' Cope Over Pet Loss
Pets can have a hard time dealing with the loss of another pet in your home. Help them cope with pet loss and grief with these tips. ...
How Cats Show They Love You
Cats show their love in many ways and it usually involves body language and other behaviors. Find out if your cat is trying to tell you they love you. ...
Why Are Cats Scared of Cucumbers?
We've all seen those videos of cats being startled by cucumbers. Why are cats scared of them and should you be scaring your cat with a cucumber? ...
How to Train Your Cat to Be Less Anxious
Cats experience anxiety for a number of reasons, from health to environmental stressors. Learn ways you can help your cat destress and become less anxious. ...
Understanding Cat Tail Talk
Get an understanding of cat language and how to translate cat tail positions, and why dogs may misinterpret various cat tail moves ...
Reasons Why Your Cat Meows at Night
If your cat meows at night, find out if they are trying to tell you something and what you can do to keep them quiet. ...
Cat Bunting Behavior: What Does It Mean?
Cats rub their heads against prominent objects to leave scent markings as a part of scent communication. ...
How to Stop Your Cat From Tracking Litter and Poop
While they're generally clean animals, sometimes cats get poop on their paws, and track litter outside the box. Learn how to stop this behavior. ...
Understanding How Cats Speak Through Ear Movements
Cat owners can learn "cat talk" and get a deeper understanding of how cats use their cat ears to communicate different emotions. ...
Why Is My Cat Sleeping in Their Litter Box?
Has your cat taken up napping in its litter box? This odd behavior could be because your cat is stressed or it could be a sign of a medical condition. ...
Why Does My Cat Lay On My Chest?
Why do cats like to lay on their owners' chests? Learn the reasons why your cat may like to rest on your chest. ...
Why Do Cats Knock Things Over?
Cats have a tendency to knock things off counters and tables. Why do they do this and what can you do to stop them? ...
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Catnip can make some cats react in interesting ways. Learn why cats like catnip so much, why only some cats react to it, and why others seem immune. ...
Why Cats Like Being Pet
Why do some cats enjoy being pet and others don't? Learn why certain cats want you to pet them while others just want to be left untouched. ...
Why Do Cats Like High Places?
Does your cat like to hang out on top of tall furniture? Here's why cats like high places. ...
Why Is My Cat Hiding?
Hiding is a normal behavior in cats but changes in your cat's hiding patterns can be abnormal. Why would your cat start hiding more often? ...
Low Stress Travel to the Vet With Your Cat
Although, travel can be stressful, there is a lot you can do to make traveling and carriers less stressful and even enjoyable for your cat(s)! ...